Thursday, December 24, 2009

a zombie christmas eve, by logankstewart

sing, burning tree, a sweet and fiery melody
of love and fear.
through colored lights on darkly nights
and hopes of a better year.

cry, spoiled child, a bitter and sorrow filled sob
of not getting your desire.
but look at yon tree, and how bad it can be
to find yourself on fire.

hear, loud room, stuffed with voices grand,
laughing at the table.
for something's not right with the world tonight,
i present a christmas fable.

lock up the door,
seal up the house,
for the world is over tonight.
the zombies are here,
their intention is clear,
for the world is over tonight.

santa is dead,
the reindeer are fed
and christmas is over tonight.
his brains have been eaten
by prancer and comet,
see their dark faces,
see their thick vomit,
and christmas is over tonight.

the elves are to blame
for this turn of events.
humanity ends tonight!
tired of their slavery,
from years working hard,
covertly they worked
and played their trump card.
humanity ends tonight!

spread through the air
with carols and snow,
the world is over tonight.
we'll turn on ourselves
unable to resist
and the world will be over tonight.

when the sun rises tomorrow
and no one wakes up
will the elves realize what they've done?
when all that's left
is a shambling, starving, mob,
will they regret their actions?

and years from now,
when only zombies remain,
will little zombie jimmy
ask for christmas a brain?

mourn, upset reader, for having wasted your time here
on this pathetic work.
if you need a reason to celebrate the season
it's that things could always be worse.

merry happy christmas, folks. brains!


Brandon Barr said...

:) ha!
Merry Christmas Logan.

logankstewart said...

Hey, thanks, Brandon, and you, too. Christmas, that is. Merry time and stuff.