1. In the chapter “A Curious Tale for Countess Amberglass” we learn of the tradition of the night tea in Camorr. I found that not so much fantastical as realistic – how about you?
Definitely a very practical and Realistic thing. I can easily see women meeting in secret to chit chat and gossip about things. Men, on the other hand, meet at the bars and docks and talk (foolishly) in the open. It's a testament of wisdom, these late night tea times.2. When Jean meets with what will become the Wicked Sisters for the first time, the meeting is described very much like how people feel when they find their true work or home. Agree? Disagree? Some of both?
Completely agree. The way the text reads it's as if the hatchets were made for him, like he had some gut feeling that they were right. This was solidified when he threw the blade.3. Salt devils. Bug. Jean. The description is intense. Do you find that description a help in visualizing the scene? Do you find yourself wishing the description was occasionally – well – a little less descriptive?
I believe intense was the very word I used. I might have said creepy, too. I pictured something like Shelob or the frost spiders in Skyrim, but more vague, which added to the intensity.4. This section has so much action in it, it’s hard to find a place to pause. But…but.. oh, Locke. Oh, Jean. On their return to the House of Perelandro, their world is turned upside down. Did you see it coming?
I did see it coming. The world around the Gentlemen Bastards was crumbling, and there had to be casualties. Even so, it was upsetting that the Sanzas had to die, as I loved their banter and humor.5. Tavrin Callas’s service to the House of Aza Guilla is recalled at an opportune moment, and may have something to do with saving a life or three. Do you believe Chains knew what he set in motion? Why or why not?
I don't know if Chains knew what he set in motion other than that he knew that being having connections to the various temples and priesthoods would be beneficial. I really liked the flashback for Jean and the description of the cave, with the deadly balconies and walkways. Such a brilliant thing. And I loved Jean's quick promotions in rank and how he ultimately escaped. I hope to see more of Aza Guilla and the rest of the Thirteen.6. As Locke and Jean prepare for Capa Raza, Doña Vorchenza’s remark that the Thorn of Camorr has never been violent – only greedy and resorting to trickery – comes to mind again. Will this pattern continue?
The Thorn has never been violent, but the Thorn has never been out smarted, either. However, Chains trained the Bastards in the art of thieving, not killing. Nevertheless, the man flat told Locke he would kill him if he had to, and so Locke knows that sometimes a killing is a necessary evil. So will the Thorn become violent? Not like Capa Raza, I think, but he will have to perform some violent acts. And who's to say how many violent acts one must do before he's considered a violent person?7. Does Locke Lamora or the Thorn of Camorr enter Meraggio’s Countinghouse that day? Is there a difference?
On the tail end of a great question we come to this one. Is there a difference between Locke Lamora and the Thorn of Camorr? Ultimately, I think yes, there is, in that the Thorn is the mysterious thief that plagues and cons citizens of Camorr as the need arises. Locke is the true mystery of the book, I think. He's the soft-hearted person that we know very little about. Locke thinks with his heart; the Thorn with his wits. They're not mutually exclusive characters, but they're so intertwined it's hard (as of yet) to determine who's who.