Monday, December 12, 2005

Finals Week

And so finals week, which actually is composed of two days and four exams, has begun. Day One consisted of a destructive DE test and a devastating Dynamics final. Both exams sucked, naturally, but there was some sort of solace during the day. I knew that I would be home soon. And King Kong would be out, too. And Christmas. And co-op. And there are still two exams left for tomorrow......

So, that leads me to wondering what sort of humor can one find during the most stressful times for college students? I know some people who have found the ultimate in stress relief. Explosives. Yep. I e'en witnessed one or two. Simply put a few ounces of water into a 20 oz. bottle, screw top on to create pressure, and place into microwave. Soon open the door to the microwave and voila. Stress relief. (I understand that this may not be too safe, but it's really only harmful to the microwave. So, in conclusion, who is Mike Jones? Who? Don't really know.) Clean up afterwards. And only do sparingly. Excessive laughter causes side-splitting pain.

And with that, I must return to my studies and talk to my beautiful gypsy friend who lives across the way. I think I cut my finger earlier on a Christmas tree...

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