Monday, April 16, 2012


I'm tired.  Went to a concert last night.  Got in late, like, almost 2am, and I'm no longer nocturnal.  Used to be I could stay up late without any ramifications the next day.  But now, at twenty-six and the father of a ten-month old, I'm good if I make it to 11 o'clock.  Truth of the matter is that I'm just too darned busy. And since I'm being honest, it's something I'm trying to remedy.

See, I'm constantly pressed for time.  Who isn't, though, right?  Well I say fie on that.  Fie on the world and its problems.  Fie on America and its insatiable greed.  Fie on clocks and fie on me if I don't try to do something about it.  We live in a time when seminars on "time management" exist, because our culture says that more is better, and to get more then we have to work more and commit ourselves more.  Add to that our many relationships outside of work, friends and family and school events and church gatherings, and the free time shrinks.  Add to that the taboo of refusing to do something and time disappears.

That's why Monday nights are Family Nights for my family.  We set it up a while ago that we would spend our Monday's together as a family, doing family things and enjoying one another.  The rest of the week usually varies, but somehow I always find myself over-committed.  I make plans to hang out with one friend one day and another at another time and my schedule somehow fills up and the only time I have to do things is either late at night or early in the morning.

Frankly, it's exhausting.  I'm involved in several different ministries at church, and while I love doing them, it's also physically, spiritually, and emotionally taxing.  Then if I throw in the various other situations going on in my life, I'm beat.

I don't write all this to just whine about time restrictions.  It's very likely that you, dear Readers, also have saturated schedules.  I write this just because it's something I'm working on, part of my goals for myself and my family.  This year began with goals of reducing possessions and intending to live more minimally. I think it's only fitting that I also reduce my commitments and obligations, or at least accept the freedom that I don't have to say yes to everything.

Cause it's something I struggle with.  I'm an analytical people-pleaser according to the personality test I once took, and I completely agree with that.  I hate to admit it, but I sometimes put others before Keisha and Avonlea in my efforts, and I don't realize it.  I'm working on it all, truly, and I hope you are, too.


ibeeeg said...

The good thing is you are recognizing areas you would like to work on instead of not pausing to search for a solution. For your goal, friend, it seems that you will need to start learning the art of saying "no". Not an easy task, but a doable one.

Fantastic about Monday Family Night - that you and Keisha have already established this. Please do not let that slide, it is important.

Good luck on your goal - maybe make a quick priority list to keep in hand to help you start to say "no" if that is the route you choose.

Diz said...

Time is a funny cousin posted this old clip recently on Lindedin, I'm sure you are familiar with it, but it is a nice family has always been my "rocks!"

leslie said...

I agree with Deanna, it is a good thing setting aside at least one night as "sacred," hold onto this.

the timing on this post is interesting. Terri Windling talks about time on her blog the other day. about making sure there is creative time, but primarily talking about how learning what to say yes and no to is important to everyone involved (even you!)

~L (omphaloskepsis)

Amanda Trought said...

It is definitely a good idea to be more deserning with your time and not get swallowed up by all the demands that often surround us. Learning to say no to the things that the world throws at you and yes to the things that God wants you to focus on is what we all need to try hard to achieve. Blessings for the week. Amanda
Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
Art Blog

logankstewart said...

@ibeeeg: A list is a good idea, and I do like lists... ;)

@Diz: Never seen this before, but it's a great illustration. Thanks for sharing it.

@L: Thanks for the link. A great post, and an interesting blogger, too.

@Amanda Trought: Thanks for stopping by and for the encouraging words!

Alex Hagerman said...

Praying for your sir. It's a huge under taking but a worthy one.