Thursday, April 26, 2012

Worship 703

Friday night will be our second WORSHIP night.  The first one, WORSHIP 803*, was back in February.  It started with an idea to intentionally worship God as best we could.  Our single goal was to glorify God because He alone is worthy to be praised.  There was no plan, just enter the sanctuary with shoes off and hearts opened.  We had a small setlist, but we wanted the freedom of going where we felt led, too.

This time around our theme is ENOUGH.  We've got about ten songs prepped for the night, focusing on God's provision and general awesomeness being enough for us.  Honestly, if I have the love of God in my life, what more do I need?  And how wonderful is it that He chooses to bless me with so much more?!  Our goal is the same, to just praise God.  For some, that's in silence, arms down, head low.  Others may lift their hands and sing loudly the songs we've selected.

For me, I'll be leading with guitar and offering my words and talents up to Him.  It's nothing I ever thought that I would be doing, but I'm convinced that God gives people talents and skills for a reason, and I choose to honor Him with my amateur skills.  I long to worship the Creator with everything I've got inside of me.  Like that John Mark McMillan song, "I wanna love You when the blood of my veins don't know how to call out Your name, I want to love You when the birds don't hang around."  I don't want a conditional love, but I want an all-consuming and life-changing love to pour out of me.

And I want that for others, too.  I want all of us Sons & Daughters** to genuinely, honestly, humbly worship the Lord.  I can't wrap my head around the concept of why God desires our worship, but He does, and I'm not going to be one to hold back.  (As if I could.)  One of my all time favorite songs that describes my heart is "Yearn," by Shane & Shane***.  Pretty much every time I listen to that song my heart implodes and my soul says Amen.  Check out the acoustic video below if you're unfamiliar with this song.

Lord I want to yearn for You, I want to burn with passion over You, and only You.  Lord, I want to yearn.

It is my prayer that WORSHIP 703 glorifies God.  I pray that our songs and voices create a pleasing aroma to God, and that we are poured out for Him.  Soli Deo Gloria!


*The first event was on a Saturday night at 8:03pm, which is why it was named so.  This event is on a Friday night and starting at 7:03pm.

** Up until very recently this phrase has been absent from my vernacular.  I have always used "Brothers & Sisters in Christ" when referring to the Church family, but I'm trying to switch up my thought processes on this one and start thinking of myself (and others) as Sons & Daughters of the King (John 1:12).

*** I could do a big, long post about Shane & Shane.  Awesome voices and unreal guitar playing make beautiful music.  Their newest singe, "Liberty," has this phenomenal Middle Eastern vibe to it that has you tapping your foot and reaching for your guitar.  Check it out!  "Where the Spirit of the Lord is now there is liberty!"

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