Monday, July 23, 2012

And Just Like That...

...Vacation ends.  Well, if you want to call it a vacation.  Technically we didn't vacate our beloved and despised Stewartland for sandy beaches or wooded vales.  No, we stayed home and worked our butts off. As I mentioned in a blog post a few moons back, we're trying to get Stewartland on the market.  To achieve this amazing feat we must first deep clean and sponge bathe the house.  This goes hand in hand with one of our 2012 goals: to rid ourselves of material goods, and we spent the majority of the week cleaning and weeding and boxing and tossing.  It was a busy week, but we got a lot finished.

...I started my new job today.  Technically I didn't really do anything other than orientate myself with the Manuel's Mousepad Emporium (MME).  I'll continue to be orientated all week, going through safety and policy and whatnot.  But after going through my benefit package today, I'm extremely excited at how much God has blessed me.  My paycheck will be a little less than I have been making, but only slightly, and the benefits are so offsetting that it's negligible.

...I started exercising and getting healthy.  Technically I started a month ago.  I'd been feeling the faint stirrings in my ticker box to do so, but Carl's post on June 11--"(It was) Time for a Change"--gave me the final nudge into that not-so-gentle good morning.  (He also inspired a ton of others to shape up and live healthier, and those of us joined an email support group.  You should definitely read his post.)  Starting just a day or two later I began getting up an hour earlier than I normally did, right around 5:30am.  I started educating myself on eating healthier.  I took initiative.  I ran 2-3 miles every other day or so.  I've stopped with Doritos.  And since then I've definitely gotten* much healthier.  It's a wonderful feeling that I'll probably elaborate on sometime in the future.

...Blogging stalled.  Literally.  Rememorandom takes the back burner while life is in full throttle, and life is well into full throttle.  I very much enjoy blogging and the community, but there's just too danged much going on to have the time to do it all right now.  I'll continue to post intermittently until things calm down.  Winter is coming, after all.

*this is one of my least favorite words in all of English.  But the Dude abides.


CLR said...

Prepping a house to sell...ugh! I've been in the throes of prepping mine for an entire interior paint re-do and we might as well be moving for all the boxing and gathering and cleaning out we're doing.

Congrats on the job and the healthier you!

Great to see a post pop up from you again! EVeryone does seem to be busy. Hang in there and post when you can! We can all hunker down in our sweats and blog to our heart's content!

Anonymous said...

"the final nudge into that not-so-gentle good morning." perfectly stated. congrats and good luck. Carl's post (and subsequent running posts) are inspiring. We are moving to a big walking/cycling neighborhood so I am hoping by default to get a kickstart that way. I am so undisciplined.

good luck with the house. it is good that it coincided with simplifying the household.

I am so happy to hear that they are going to take care of you at this new job. sounds like a lot of exciting things are going on--yay!


Bill said...

Wow Logan, talk about being busy busy!! Sounds like things are really looking forward for you and the rest of the Stewart clan. Best of luck and thanks for keeping us up to date!

Carl V. Anderson said...

I can certainly relate to the blog being on the back burner statement as mine has been as well. I'm hoping to get several posts up over the next few days, some even NOT devoted to running, lol!

So glad to hear that you heeded the call and started exercising. I look back and wish that I had done something at your age. I think of all the cool races I missed out on, all the times I could have felt so much better physically and so much better about myself. Ah, youth is wasted on the young, as they say. Very proud of you and happy for you.

I pray things go well with the eventual house sale. Getting it all cleaned up for someone else can be disappointingly hard work, but it should pay off.

Anonymous said...

A staycation. I can dig it. Happy you got the new gig.

Winter's always coming.

Diz said...

I had my house on the market for three years! Trying to "direct" two teenagers to keep the house showplace ready! Never again.

Should sell quickly, though, chin up!

Hard to blog when life is so crazy. Good news on the job :)

Kristopher A. Denby said...

Understandable, Logan. Honestly, I've never understood how you manage to keep up the pace.

I look forward to your imminent return.

God's Speed.


The Sound and Fury of Kristopher Denby