Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Sting/Johnny Cash Tribute: A New Cover Song

Last year some time I was convinced to post some music that I had recorded.  That song remains my favorite one I’ve done, and though it has problems, I think it sounds okay.

As some of you know, I’ve been teaching myself to play the piano, and over the past year or so I think I’ve improved tremendously.  Still, I’m a long way from playing with proficiency, but I can do some of the easier songs now.  With that, I decided to record a cover of Sting’s “I Hung My Head,” a song that I’ve liked since hearing Johnny Cash’s version.  If you’ve never heard the song, each version is unique in its own way.  Sting’s, the original, has a weird time signature and is a bit more peppy for the dark lyrics, but still it’s great.  Cash’s, the one I heard first, is fitting and grim to the mood.  My recommendation?  Listen to both and decide for yourself. 

First, the original version, from Sting’s 1996 album Mercury Falling.  I like hearing Sting’s voice, and his song writing is always top notch.

Next up comes Johnny Cash’s rendition.  This version is from Cash’s phenomenal American series, American IV: The Man Comes Around.  The American series is definitely some of my favorite albums out there, and Cash delivers with every song from the albums.  This one’s no exception.

Somehow, in the shadow of these two amazing artists, I have the audacity to inject my version.  It’s got plenty o’ problems, but what can I say, I like it well enough.  My voice strains a few places and I hit a few wrong keys, but in the end, I was satisfied.

Why yes, I do believe you can see the rapidly expansive balding spot atop my 24 year old head.  Yep, I’m in pajamas.  Yes, when I play piano music notes come out of the back and sometimes linger.  It’s my life.

Thanks for listening, folks.  And thanks for reading.  And thanks for the cookies…


Crystal said...

I like each version of I Hung My Head for different reasons. I'm a huge Sting/Police fan and who doesn't love Johnny Cash? I like your version because it's raw and real.

And apparently you are awesome because you have music notes floating from the back of your piano! I bet Sting doesn't have that :)

logankstewart said...

@Crystal: Indeed, who doesn't like Johnny Cash? Does that make someone un-American? Aye, Sting is great.

And thank you. Definitely raw, my cover is.

Okie said...

Great post! I absolutely loved that song from the moment I first heard it. Absolutely fabulous.

Thanks for sharing your talent with us as well on a great cover. Nicely done.

logankstewart said...

Hey, thanks for the compliment, Okie. Glad you liked it.

Kristopher A. Denby said...

With respect to you and the late Johnny Cash (of whom I am a fan), I prefer Sting's version.

I applaud your bravery in posting your interpretation here, and your tenacity in learning the piano, while playing the harmonica and singing! You are a multi-talented fellow, Logan! We might all aspire to have the drive to do the things that we wish to do with the determination that you've displayed.

On a side note: We have a bar here that is a tribute to Johnny Cash, called Mean Eyed Cat. It's a great, little place to meet a few friends. I highly suggest it if you ever get to Austin.

logankstewart said...

@Kris: Thanks for the compliment, friend. Yes, while I have no desire to be a pro/amateur musician, I still love to play and dabble, and doing stuff like this helps me get over some stage fright.

Mean Eyed Cat. That's a perfect name for a bar.